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About The Artist

Janae Velasco "Junavee"

Janae Velasco "Junavee"


In June 2016, Janae Velasco founded JunaVee Studio. Even though she had been artistic all her life, she still believed that to be a “real” artist, she needed a fancy studio. Her dream was to be a painter in a studio with huge windows and lots of plants, and because she couldn’t……………………

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Janae Velasco “Junavee”


Janae Velasco founded JunaVee Studio in 2016 after participating in The Darling Tree’s “Unicorn Project”. The general goal of the project was to help inspire the participant toward whatever lights their soul on fire, and Janae’s personal goal was to create a sacred studio space. 


In the early days, JunaVee Studio was a place to unwind, decompress, process the day, and create. It was art therapy mixed with a dream that this adventure could lead to so much more.  {Read More}


Since then, Janae has blossomed into a new-impressionist painter, developing a unique style exploring light, color, and expressive mark-making, working mainly in acrylics but dabbling in other media, including watercolor, digital painting, gouache, murals, and jewelry design. Present throughout are themes of nature, emotion, expanding consciousness, and the cosmic unknown. 


Janae was born and raised in southern California and studied the fundamentals of drawing and painting at CSULB. After leaving college, she continued her artistry in the form of art journaling, sketch-booking, and watercolor-doodling, until the creation of JunaVee Studio. In 2019, Janae and her fiancé, Chris, moved to Washington, and in 2020, she decided to go back to school to study Art and Psychology.



“I have always been a music lover. Contemporary visual arts never really spoke to me. I came across Janae’s stand at “Art on the Ave” several years ago, and that was changed. A few days later, I owned my first original painting. And a few months after that, I commissioned her to create another work for me based on some passages from Dante’s Inferno. I gave her a link to the audiobook and set her to her business. I wondered if she would be able to pull it off: creating a piece of work, on demand, suited to someone else’s tastes. I was blown away when she finally revealed it to me. I didn’t really have words for how well she nailed it.  I may have even been awkwardly silent at the reveal.

Even after two years in my home, the paintings have not lost their powers. They feel like medicine. One is a piece for my living room, the other holds a personal place in my bedroom. I still find myself some nights sitting in my bed staring at the piece, suddenly aware of a new detail that I hadn’t noticed all the times before. There’s a kind of “forever pleasure” you get from owning a physical piece of art made specifically for you, by someone you know, that can never be duplicated.

I will soon be moving to a larger house…and have not lost Janae’s phone number.” – Jomo Edwards

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About The Artist

Janae Velasco "Junavee"

Janae Velasco "Junavee"


In June 2016, Janae Velasco founded JunaVee Studio. Even though she had been artistic all her life, she still believed that to be a “real” artist, she needed a fancy studio. Her dream was to be a painter in a studio with huge windows and lots of plants, and because she couldn’t……………………

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“Just, wow, so creative, so talented, and so good with color. I love my painting and I love seeing it every morning. I feel invincible!”

Some Lady

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